
Showing posts from December, 2018

English Language Challenges

Hi! I will talk about my experience learning English. Well, I know I must write about my experience in the university but I want to tell you how was my experience with english in my life. Well, in the school, I hated english because I got bad grades and was a difficult language for me. I think this is a result of me didn’t listen to music in english, watch movies or something like this. I think is difficult learning english if you don’t practice.  First I studied business administration in FEN and my english programme was specially about economy and business. I think is good because you can learn many words connected with your career and what you can said in differents situations, for example in a business trip. In FAU I take english 3 and 4 and I have learned about differents things, not about my career, not a technical English. The best of english class in FAU is writing the blog because I’m alone with myself thinking all the time what I want to tell you and how ...

Changes to my study programme

Hi Faubloggers! Today I will talk about my study programme. As I said before, actually I study architecture in FAU. I'm in my third year and on 2019 I must choose some minor. When I  start to study this career in 2016 the university made a new programme so we are first generation in this curriculum. Well I fail workshop 2 in 2016 and I had to take it again next year but there are friends studying differents minors this semester, so they have give me information about this. I think is very interesting can study differents areas in the university but also I think the faculty have guarenteed  that we could specialize in the area that I like. Actually, you must choose each subjects separately so is posible that they might not accepted your request. So I think in third year, you could choose a specially programme to start a specialization area. Other change to my programme study is the study time. Really I don't spend time with a book on my hands because the most important (c...

Personal Opinion

Hello Fau Bloggers! Today I will give my opinion about this questions. What is your opinion about Immigration? I think the immigration isn't new for chilean or american reality. We should think we are product of the immigration in other time of humanity history. Doesn't exist nations free of mixture because our contries was born in the meeting between two worlds (America and Europe), the settling was product of the miscegenation and our culture of the fusion. I think anybody could be a immigrant, specially if your country is at war or in a difficult economy position, so is important to the future of the humanity understand our differences, accept and include them to get development. What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets? I think adopt a pet is the most wonderful do you do. For example, in Chile it is many dogs and cats in the streets, homeless, and this is a big problem in the cities because it is without minimal healthy cares a...

Video 2