TED video: 7 Principles for building better citties

The cities are sick. Every year the population increase and the cities are don't ready to give a good environment to everyone. Since many years, the cities have been backward, the lifestyles changes so far like thecnology and communications. So, I think that for this reason the cities have grow disorderly and out of any plan. Today the cities are a adition of differents areas, disconnected, isolated and with different types or people and costumes. This model of city has caused other environmental problems very difficult to solve. For example the segregation lifestyle in ghettos, where there is no social life or any type of interaction between neighbours, or the contamination and high scales of smog in countries like China.
But these types of problems are not unique to big countries are their important cities. This model of city is a global scenario. The growth and expansion of the urban sprawl seems uncontrollable in the countries that do not have the means and the money for the solutions and the type of planification expose in the TED talk. Bikes as a primary vehicle are not posible in every city and it would demand a whole change of the way cities are thought.
Whoever, I think his propositions are in the right way. The path of the smart growing with public transport and bikes as a primordial form of transport, could have huge implications and positive changes in the enviroment and also in the population mental health, a topic that urbanism does not seems to talk frequently. Once again I think that is the right way to confront sprawl on the planification of the cities and the way we live but I think there are still a lot of countires tha are not ready for this, and of course they deserve a solution of their situation to. In the particular case of Santiago, I think this is possible, as Peter Calthorpe says this requires the will of politicians, so that would be the most dificult part. Whoever, Santiago requires this type of solutions inmediately, mostly because the population is growing very fast and the standard type of “city growing” could only mean more contamination and a overpopulated comercial area.


  1. i think that there is a lot a of cities that are really really nad but you could find some good ones too like Melbourne, i don´t like cities though but i would like to see one good enough for everybody and friendly with the environment

  2. the cities nowadays are sick, but we as architects can change that :) !!

  3. I also think that a lot of cities have urban problems, but it's our opportunity (the future architects) to solve that problem in the most efficient way

  4. is important that as architects we change things


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